I figured I'd put up a sketch I did recently that was from something I drew a while ago. The artwork is becoming sparse on this blog. I'm lazy.
If only I had photoshop these weird levels would be an easy fix.
This is the very beginning of my first comic ever for a friends collaborative thingy. It's not even close to being done and I'm not even sure where it's going. The topic for the collaboration is, "Superfuture" (thanks Dan Hood). Mine is about the future when people rarely ever leave their homes. In fact, future Americans have adopted an alien species who are made like house to live in. They use them as their transportation and their pets. The children and the houses get along especially well and get their adventures that way. Maybe an obvious way of saying that the way things are going future generations won't have any desire to go outside anymore and interact with other people because they feel so comfortable in their own homes, or just a fun adventure comic.